International Aviation
Technology and Business Conference
Oct 12 – 13, 2023
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Strategic Planning for Transforming Hong Kong into a Leading Global Aviation and Innovation Hub
International Aviation Technology and Business Conference
Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Division of Public Policy, HKUST
Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission
Hong Kong Aviation Industry Association
Airport Authority Hong Kong\
October 12-13, 2023
Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Official Website:
Conference Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on global industries, economic development, and social structures. The global aviation sector, and related economic activities and livelihoods, continue to recover from the pandemic. The aviation industry has re-established and strengthened its role in connecting international trade, logistics, and transportation. However, the industry still faces emerging challenges, including insufficient local investment, changes in global supply chain and economic activities, geopolitical conflicts and international instability. With coordinated support from various sectors, governments, and academia, the aviation industry can overcome these challenges through technological and operational innovations. The application of technology and innovation could boost the aviation industry and contribute to new breakthroughs and advancements in the post-pandemic era.
To promote rapid and sustainable development in the global aviation sector and related industries, the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) will host the inaugural International Aviation Technology and Business Conference in collaboration with the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), Hong Kong Aviation Industry Association (HKAIA), and Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department. This conference will provide an important platform for dialogue among stakeholders in the aviation industry and related businesses. It aims to facilitate exchanges among representatives from the industry, government, and academia, focusing on the trends of the aviation industry, the advancements and application prospects of emerging technologies, and significant business and investment opportunities. We encourage industry practitioners to participate in this conference, engage in the discussions, and build collaborations with experts in the fields of technology, government, and academia. Participation in this conference will provide insights into the latest aviation technology advancements; connections with business partners from around the world; and new investment opportunities.
The conference will cover six main themes: technology evolution, efficient air travel, sustainable aviation, smart logistics, technology spillovers to other industries, and future business opportunities in aviation (e.g., Web 3.0 development). We look forward to discussing these important topics with you and providing a broad business networking platform.
Please reserve time in your schedule to attend this significant conference on aviation technology and business. We look forward to your presence and exploring the future development and business opportunities in aviation technology together.
Call for Presentations
Application Method: We encourage presentations that address one of the six main themes of the conference: To apply:
- technology evolution
- efficient air travel
- sustainable aviation
- smart logistics
- technology spillovers to other industries
- web 3.0 and future business opportunities in aviation
Selected participants will deliver oral presentations at the conference and participate in panel discussions, with their registration fees waived. Abstracts or summaries should not exceed 300 words and should include the following information, to be sent to
Final submission deadline: September 22, 2023

The world aviation industry currently faces unprecedented challenges. Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, global passenger traffic has not recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Many airlines are still in very difficult operating conditions. In order to alleviate the current plight of the world aviation industry, insiders need to gather together and outline the current landscape of global aviation technology industry with new trends under the COVID-19 pandemic.
In partnership with the Hong Kong Aviation Industry Association (HKAIA), the Division of Public Policy(PPOL) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) will host an Inaugural Conference on International Aviation Technology and Business(CIATB) in 2023. The conference aims at creating a venue for critical dialogues focusing on facilitating exchange on the latest aviation technological advancements among stakeholders, expanding business networks, and exploring investment opportunities.
The thematic sessions during the conference are intended to stimulate in depth discussion between relevant parties. The event will be guided to adhere to the topic of this conference and strictly within the academic, policy and technology area.
Mode of Delivery - Hybrid Mode
Local participants: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
Conference Venue
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
Conference Date & Time
Oct 12 – 13, 2023 (Thursday – Friday)
08:30 – 17:45 (Hong Kong Time, GMT +8)

Supporting Organizations

Global Aviation Challenges and Opportunities
Facing dramatic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global aviation industry is encountering unprecedented challenges that can threaten the entire aviation eco-system. It is crucial for aviation stakeholders worldwide to re-evaluate strategies to navigate their businesses through the hard time and adapt to a post-crisis new normal. These strategies can transform the entire industry in a fashion similar to those in previous crises, such as the tightened security measures post 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The global aviation industry has enjoyed an extraordinary decade of growth, which intensifies the competition among airports and airlines as demand for air travel increases. This growing demand calls for continuous efforts to increase passenger satisfaction through improved efficiency. Therefore, more technologies have been implemented in different sectors to gain an edge over their competitors.
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely interrupted the global air travel operations but has provided a great opportunity to accelerate the development and implementation of aviation-related technologies in otherwise congested and ceaseless operations. The conference is particularly looking at global aviation technology applications, including those currently in use at major airports and auxiliary sectors around the world, and those to be implemented in the near future. Major topics will include evaluating availability and applicability of these technologies to Hong Kong’s aviation industry.
Aviation in Hong Kong
The aviation industry in Hong Kong is a giant chain that contributes significantly to Hong Kong’s economic and business development. Failure of any part of the industry can have devastating effects on the chain and Hong Kong’s economy. Fast-growing aviation systems in the Asia-Pacific region are challenging the leading position of Hong Kong with more competitive offers to international passengers, business investments, and logistics operations.
Given that Hong Kong’s aviation is such an integral part of the global aviation industry, anticipating and being prepared for the imminent changes in the global market are imperative. Hong Kong aviation must promptly adapt and overcome the challenges to retain its leading position. As the future of the aviation industry is closely linked to technological innovations, the authorities (i.e. the government) need to play an important role in leading and collaborating with academia and industry stakeholders to strategically define the positioning and goals of Hong Kong in the research and development of aviation technologies and innovations.